Monday 14 December 2015

                                  NATIONAL  FEDERATION  OF  POSTAL  EMPLOYEES
                                         ALL  INDIA  POSTAL  EMPLOYEES , GROUP –C
                                                              ASSAM  CIRCLE

President : L .P. Saikia                                                              Circle Secretary : S .Zaman
Postmaster ,Gr-III, Tezpur HO                                                 PA ,Guwahati GPO

  Mobile no.-9435180490                                                         Mobile no.-9508884511
No. P-III /CWC /2015                                    Dated at Guwahati the 12th Dec ,2015-12-14


          In  accordance  with  the  Article 30 (I)  of  the  constitution  of  the  union  ,it  is  hereby  notified  that  an  extraordinary  session  of  the  Circle  Working  Committee Meeting  will  be  held to  transact  the  following  agenda  as  per  date  , time  and  venue  noted  below. All  Circle Office Bearers , Divisional  and  Branch  Secretaries  are  requested  to  attend  the   meeting  on  time.


                                                                                                                               ( Saifur  Zaman  )
                                                                                                                           Circle  Secretary,P-lll
                                                                                                                   AIPEU,Assam Circle,Guwahati



*   7th  CPC  Report  and  forthcoming  agitation  programme  of  both  NJCA  andPJCA.

*   Fresh  discrimination  created  by  7th  CPC  in  r/o SDA  and  SCA and  future  course  of action.

*   Review  of  11th Dec 15 Hunger  Strike .

*   GDS  Wage  Revision  and  GDS  Verification .

*   Holding  of  Federal  Council  at  Guwahati .

*   Union  Building  at  Guwahati .

*   Any  other  points  with  permission  of  Chair .


DATE : 20TH Dec , 2015 (Sunday )
TIME :  09-00  Hours
Venue :  Postal  Recreation  Club  ,  Meghdoot  Bhawan  , Guwahati

Copy  to :-

1.      The  Chief  Postmaster  General  , Assam  Circle  ,  Guwahati-781001  for  information.

2.       The  Postmaster  General  ,  Regional  Office , Dibrugarh  for  information .

3.       The  General  Secretary  AIPEU , Group-C  (CHQ ) , New  Delhi .

4.       The  All  Circle  Office  Bearer  , Divisional  and  Branch  Secretaries  and  Convenor , Women

Sub  Committe

5.       The  All  Senior  Superintendent  and  Supdt. of  Post  Offices  of all Division under  Assam  Circle  for  information .

6.      The Convenor  RCC  Of Postal  Employees  Union  , Assam  &  N E Region ,Guwahati.


                                                                                                                 Circle  Secretary,P-lll


                                     NATIONAL  FEDERATION  OF  POSTAL  EMPLOYEES
                                          ALL  INDIA  POSTAL  EMPLOYEES , GROUP –C
                                                               ASSAM  CIRCLE

President : L .P. Saikia                                                             Circle Secretary : S .Zaman
Postmaster ,Gr-III, Tezpur HO                                                 PA ,Guwahati GPO
Mobile no.-9435180490                                                            Mobile 9508884511
No. P-III /CWC /2015                                         Dated at Guwahati the 12th Dec ,2015-12-14

                 The  Chief  Postmaster  General
                 Assam  Circle

Sub :- Notice  for  emergent  Circle  Working  Committee  and  grant  of  Special  Casual leave -          regarding .

 Sir ,
               I  am  glad  to  inform  you  that  an  emergent  meeting  of  the  Circle  Working  Committee  of  our  union  will  be  held  on  20th  Dec 2015  at  Guwahati,  Notice  for  which  has  been  issued  in  accordance  with  the  relevant  article  of  the  constitution  of  the  union .
               I , therefore , request  you  to  grant  Special  Casual  Leave  to  the  Circle  Office  Bearers ,  Divisional  and  Branch  Secretaries  for  the  same  .
                                                Thanking  you  .


                                                                                                    Yours  faithfully
                                                                                                                ( Saifur  Zaman )
                                                                                                            Circle  Secretary,P-lll
                                                                                                   AIPEU,Assam Circle,Guwahati




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