Monday, 2 September 2013


Circular No. 3/2013 Dated – 29.08.2013


All CHQ office Bearers, Confederation
All General Secretaries C-O-Cs
All General Secretaries/Secretary Generals of affiliated Unions

Dear Comrade,

1. Agenda of the next National Council JCM has been finalized on 27.08.2013 in consultation with DOP&T. Twelve demands raised by the Confederation in the Charter of demands are included (including the GDS employees demand). The letter given by Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, Staff Side, JCM National Council and twelve demands included in the agenda are enclosed herewith. (Annexure I & II) Next meeting of the National Council JCM is expected by the end of October 2013/early November 2013.

2. The controversial PFRDA bill is listed as an agenda items of the current Parliament session. National Secretariat of the Confederation has given a call for two-hours walk out and protest demonstrations when the bill is taken up for discussion in Parliament or on the next day if information is received late.

As already mentioned in the previous circular the following campaign programmes shall be implemented in all states demanding realisation of the 15 Point Charter.
(a) Mass Relay Dharna at all important places and State/District Head Quarters from 2nd to 7th September 2013.
(b) Holding of state conventions of C-O-Cs and Central Working Commitees/Central Executive Committees of all affiliated Unions/Associations/Federations.
(c) Strike ballot from 25th to 27th September 2013.

A copy of the appeal for strike ballot and model ballot is enclosed herewith (Annexure III & IV). It may be translated into local languages. Each official should be given an appeal well in advance so that they can take an independent decision before the polling dates. 15 Point Charter may be permitted in the appeal.

On the polling day (25th, 26th & 27th September 2013) ballot boxes should be placed at the premises of offices or at a centralized place (polling booths) as per convenience. Employees may be allowed to vote freely and frankly by ticking “Yes” or “No” in the ballot. It will be a secret ballot. After ticking “Yes” or “No”, the ballot may be put in the ballot box. After polling is over leaders shall count the ballot.
The ballots in favour of indefinite strike (Yes) and against indefinite strike (No) may be counted separately and total figure arrived at may be communicated by the respective C-O-Cs or organizations as the case may be, to the Confederation Head quarters by e-mail or SMS.

Before the poling date intensive campaign should be conducted by all C-O-Cs and affiliates at all places and each and every employee may be contacted and requested to cast his/her vote.

4. All India Trade Union Education Camp:
The Trade Union Education Camp will be held at Mumbai on 15th & 16th November 2013. The number of delegates to be participated from each C-O-C and affiliated Unions / Associations / Federations will be intimated before September 1st Week. The camp is being hosted by C-O-C Mumbai. Delegate fee is Rs. 600/- per head. NFPE, ITEF, Audit & Accounts Associations and Atomic Energy delegates shall be arranged accommodation by their respective Federations.

5. All India Women’s Convention
The All India Women’s Convention of the Confederation will be held at New Delhi on 25th & 26th November 2013. Lady Delegates from all C-O-Cs and affiliated Unions/Associations/Federations should participate in the Convention. Number of women delegates to be participated from each C-O-C and affiliated Unions/Associations/Federations will be intimated by first week of September 2013. The Convention is being hosted by C-O-C Delhi. Delegate fee is Rs. 600/- per head.

6. Formation of C-O-Cs at State and District level
As we are heading towards an indefinite strike, we have to gear up our organsiational machinery at all levels. Wherever state level C-O-Cs are defunct or ineffective it should be revived immediately. Where ever District Committee is not formed the major affiliates should take immediate action for preparing their rank and file for the indefinite strike. Circulars, bulletins, posters, boards, banners etc. may be issued and circulated widely among the employees. Don’t wait for the last Minute, Be prepared well in advance.

Fraternally yours,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

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