Saturday, March 21, 2015
No. PF-Misc/2015 Dated 21th March, 2015
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Government of India
Dak Bhawn
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Pension payment for the month of March 2015 through POSB functioning under CBS – regarding.
Your kind attention is invited to the fact that last year on 1st April, 2014 no payment of pension could be disbursed through POSB on the request of Infosys due to some technical problems in the CBS. In fact all SB transactions were suspended on that day. Many pensioners were made to return home empty handed without drawing their pension on that day.
This year 1st April is followed by two holidays on 2nd and 3rd April for Mahavir jayanthi and Good Friday and therefore any recurrence of previous problem on 1st April will cause heavy hardships on pensioners as they could not draw their pension until 4th April, 2015.
It is therefore requested to kindly intervene in the matter to prevent any such recurrence this year and if suspension of all SB transactions on 1st April is unavoidable, then necessary instructions may please be issued to all concerned for effecting payment of pension on 31st March, 2015 itself irrespective of the fact that no payment or pension payment is normally done on the closing day of the financial year.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Friday, March 20, 2015
The Third AIC of AIPSBCOEA is elected new set of office bearers unanimously for the year 2015-2017 as under :-
President : Shri S.P. Kulkarni, PA (SBCO), Kolhapur H.O. (Maharashtra)
Working President : Shri S.S. Sathe, PA (SBCO), Mumbai H.O. (Maharashtra)
Vice-President : Shri P.N. Dwivedi, Supervisor, SBCO, Aurangabad H.O. (Bihar)
: Shri V.K. Jain, PA (SBCO), Jaipur H.O. (Rajasthan)
General Secretary : Shri Virendra Tewary, PA (SBCO), Lucknow Chowk HPO (U.P.)
Camp at RJCM, CPMG Office Campus, Lucknow-226001 (U.P.)
Dy. Genl. Secretary : Shri Asit Das, PA (SBCO), Alipur H.O. (West Bengal)
Asst. Genl. Secy. : Shri M.K. Mohanan, Supervisor, SBCO, Calicut H.O. (Kerala)
: Shri N.K. Bajpai, PA (SBCO), Patna H.O. (Bihar)
: Shri M.P.P. Karthikeyan, PA (SBCO), Shivganga H.O. (Tamilnadu)
: Shri Subhash Jaiswal, PA (SBCO), Jabalpur H.O. (M.P.)
: Shri Nageshwara Rao, PA (SBCO), Kakinada H.O. (A.P.)
Financial Secretary : Shri Pankajbhai B. Bhavsar, Supervisor, Kheda H.O. (Gujarat)
Asstt. Fin. Secretary : Shri Atul Kumar Srivastava, PA (SBCO), Kanpur H.O. (U.P.)
Org. Secretary : Shri Rajiv Kumar, PA (SBCO), Ambala Cantt. H.O. (Haryana)
: Shri A.K. Jain, PA (SBCO), Ratlam H.O. (M.P.)
Auditor Shri Rajneesh Kumar Gupta, PA (SBCO), Rajnandgaon (Chhatisgarh)
Revision of Tariff in respect of World Net Express (WNX)
Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - Clarification regarding formats to be used for filing returns under the Act (Click the link below for details)
Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2015 - Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. (Click the link below for details)
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